>>40018524>Pikachu using the sprinklers to beat an Onix>Pikachu can just hit Rhydon with thunderbolt if it aims at the horns>Aerodactyl is unaffected by electric attacks>Agility increases your evasion>Traded Pokemon can still disobey even if you have all the badged>Pelipper can just dodge electric attacks by touching the ground>Pikachu and Swellow can give themselves armor by hitting themselves>Something as frail Darkrai survives a Megahorn even with prior damage>Something like regular Charizard can tank multiple Electric/Water attacks from Pikachu and Ash-Greninja>A tyranitar in sand is easily KOd by that same Pikachu with electric attacks>Zekrom can just steal a Pokemon’s power just because>Ash uses Flame Charge while Trick Room is up>Ash sends out a Goodra against a Bisharp>Also sends out a Noivern against a Weavile>Ash replaces Volt Tackle with Electro Ball>Emergency Exit works before the attack hits>Mega Kang dies to 1 hit from an unboosted Scizor>Attacks are regularly destroyed and dodged out of the way>Tons of forms that get made exclusively for the anime for 1 episode>Pokemon constantly evolve mid-battle>But Countering a Counter is too dumb>There are people who still watch the animeHonestly if you weren’t expecting ass pulls at this point, then the writers are doing a good job appealing to their dumbass of an audience