Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Lana edition
A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari There are other places to go for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Fuck u
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Deleter is in Hau'oli City. > Name Rater is in Heahea City. > The Nursey is on Paniola Ranch on Akala Island. > Skrelp/Clauncher (I'm assuming they're caught in the same place since they're exclusives) can be caught with a Good Rod off the Coast of Cyllage City. > The Fishing Rod is given to the player by Lana after clearing her trial in Brooklet Hill. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is on Mount Hokulani. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > IV Guy is in your PC.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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Pls don't die before multis
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You died while I was sleeping. Haha
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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Does anyone here play LC?
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Lana makes my boy really hard
Mela 1822-3845-8425
ok doki heres my attempt at Multis!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Luke 3969-6216-1477
Community day is over let's multi battle!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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I'll be free in a couple hours!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Haven't played in a while and recently heard of the DNS exploit. Are all Gen 4 and 5 Event Pokemon and items available through this?
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40028165 Yes but if you have a hacked 3DS or DSi you can just use pkhex and inject straight into your save file, which is much less of a hassle.
>>40028165 Nobody actively posting really does any DNS exploit stuff, so this probably isn't the best place to ask.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40028230 but as anon above said, you're probably better off somewhere else. /hbg/ on /vg/ might be your better bet.
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>>40028232 >>40028259 It's just I remember actually going out to collect these events when I was a kid. It's cool in a sense but part of me feels cheated
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Luke 3969-6216-1477
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Clione 2621-3710-5491
Let's get some multis going!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>40028549 >>40028666 >>40028721 alrighty ya scallywags
people actually showed up
you know what that means, head online and ill send requests as soon as you're all there
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>>40028791 Getting online now!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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ok ill be on in 5 mins!
Clione 2621-3710-5491
>>40028791 Give me a sec, forgot I wiped up my SD card, might need to install an update.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>40028917 no prob, also, whereve you been!?!
Everyone else, just sit tight, maybe re-arrange your teams for a surprise, Clione will let us know when she is ready
Clione 2621-3710-5491
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>>40028959 Alright, update done, going online.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Ok, everyone, hop online!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Sendin em out! Request time
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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whos having issues?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Is everyone accepting?
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Clione 2621-3710-5491
>>40029422 Thanks, yours' nice too, not many people use purple or any variety of colors at that, such a shame we didn't get a nice customization until gen 8, too little too late.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>40029475 purple is my favourite colour, always gonna use it.
Clione 2621-3710-5491
1hp, now that was close and sure is scary having to face a tail glow user who already boosted and that white smoke sure is coming handy
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>40029811 my poor wire tree!
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>>40029811 Yeah that was an awesome battle
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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That stinks! I wanted to finish that battle
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Since we came to a natural break, I need to walk my dog. I may be down for more battles when I get back. Otherwise ggs and thanks for the battles!
Clione 2621-3710-5491
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Yah, it was in a rather interesting point, wonder why the connection feels heavy at some points.
>>40030035 Might as well get it done since you already accepted
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>>40030035 >>40030018 I'll do one more before I go if we can get it
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
anyone wanna do singles after this?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Alrighty, one of you guys gotta blow on your wifi thing, get the dust out! Other then that, thanks for the games! That's 3 games! Two full and two halves. GGs, Diantha, Clione and Luke!
Clione 2621-3710-5491
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh why does it dc. Imagine paying for this service.
>>40030088 Sorry I'll have to pass on that one for the moment, it's a holiday here after all.
Thanks for the battles everyone! We had some good ones.
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Sorry that fell apart again Ttfn
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>40030701 I know how it feels. To have multis without you.
And that is why, I am here for you.
Multis 2/4 if you are still here!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Clione 2621-3710-5491
>>40030701 >>40030798 >>40031019 Now that I had some nice dinner I can offer again some multis support Mela 1822-3845-8425
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I'll get online
Clione 2621-3710-5491
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>>40031113 Noice!
I'm online too, guess we just need to confirm that Diantha is around and we're ready to go
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>40031019 wherever could Diantha be
Clione 2621-3710-5491
Clione 2621-3710-5491
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>40031475 Not with that attitude.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>40031525 u finna play!?!
kirzi, I'm sorry everyone was so mean to you. I thought you were awesome and didn't deserve what people here put you through. Even if it feels like everyone in the world is against you, know you have a friend somewhere in it all. Hope you are doing well.
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>>40019984 Don't make threads with your name and trip on
>>40035411 this just in
nobody cares about the discord anymore
you guys killed /wfg/ and people are tying to bring it back and you STILL bring up discord?
>>40036781 this goes older than whatever discord bullshit you're spewing. This goes all the way back to when Skype was relevant. She should have left sooner. This board was no good for her... Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>40036871 >skype imagine for a second caring about shit that old
So I got ultra moon installed on my cfw 3ds can I trade my Y gamecart with my ultra moon game
Diantha 1221-3072-8748
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>>40039894 whoops forgot my name
>>40039708 Of course not you moron
>>40040173 I found an exploit calles pksm
What are the chances i get banned if i use this
I spent two hours trying to catch a timid magnetide i still havent got one but I named them all ballsack now im gonna trade em on the random market
>>40042303 would you like one
I have ballsacks 1 through 14
>>40042328 What ball is it? I have a timid ditto I can breed a timid zone with if you want!
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>>40042328 I like keeping weird named mons I get off of WT. I have something named Raped Lillie or something, with the OT Lillie's BF. Good stuff. Spread your ballsack, anon.
Fanda 5473-1146-5271
>>40042356 Im playing ultra moon just started so theyre all regular pokeball
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40042402 I dont need one unless it has an autism ball. Do you want a timid one?
Fanda 5473-1146-5271
>>40042665 I would appreciate one, but I dont have anything cool to offer
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40042684 I dont need anything. Do you like sturdy or magnet pull?
Fanda 5473-1146-5271
RALA 1908 1503 3109
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>>40042708 Add me and I'll have it in 10 to15 minutes
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40043016 You are incredibly based good sir
RALA 1908 1503 3109
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Anyone got a jolly smeargle? My breeding has amounted to nothing and I'm 12 eggs in.
every time i see my character i burst out laughing
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>>40048837 Nice ballsack dude
RALA 1908 1503 3109
RALA 1908 1503 3109
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Multis later........
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054434 I'll probably only be able to do one round, my head is killing me.
Does anyone have a HA joltik?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>40054443 If enough people show back up!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054558 >HA joltik yeah I have one, its bashful if thats okay
>>40054596 I have a timid ditto so that's ok. What are you looking for in return?
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054615 HA alomomola or timid tentacool/cruel, failing that any of the gen 4 lake fairies.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054638 >>40054615 Also, would you like a name on the Joltik?
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
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>>40054648 oh I guess that doesnt matter if you're breeding it haha
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40054638 >>40054648 I have liquid ooze timid tentacool (beast ball) if that's ok. And no, you dont need to name it. I can name tentacool if YOU want, it's 6iv.
>>40054638 >can I have a mythic for this HA Pokemon people give away for free? Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054673 Nurarihyon for the name, and yeah that works.
>>40054683 Azelf and crew aren't mythics
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40054689 ALSO BOY OR GIRL?!
>>40054689 Yeah, whoops. Either way, asking for legends for HA Pokemon is supreme Jewish. I think there's a better site for you elsewhere.
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
RALA 1908 1503 3109
>>40054699 Alright, I added you!
>>40054697 Jump off of a bridge!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054731 im in the plaza!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>40054697 game's dead and telling a new active person to go away is lameEspecially one that multis. They likely wanted it for dex purposes, not like they asked for a BR one calm down :)
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054736 3ds stop having connection issues arg
>>40054737 hehe I'm no good at multis though
RALA 1908 1503 3109
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Let's all just have multis!
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>40054753 it's ok, it's all for fun :)
>>40054781 yes :)
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054759 let me reset my 3ds wifi settings idk why its having issues all of a sudden
RALA 1908 1503 3109
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
RALA 1908 1503 3109
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
>>40054859 Thanks for the tenta! Enjoy the joltik
>>40054781 multis?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>40054889 Ye lets do it!
Is it Multis time for everyone here?
RALA 1908 1503 3109
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>>40054889 Anytime!
>>40054921 I'll be present.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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ruls of mults; no disconnection k, everyone good? hop on
RALA 1908 1503 3109
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[Landorus intensifies]
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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DANG, that was a quick battle, dudes i had never seen such quick plays, its almost as if we didnt have one at all!
Diantha 1221-3072-8748 !hWpTKnaoXk
sorry guys my 3ds is being a butt, I should probably sleep anyways
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>40055059 AW MAN, what a tease!!
But its not your fault, thanks for tryin out, hope we can work it out next time