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GTS scouting thread memories

No.40032064 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here i want to find anons that were with me back in 2012 when X/Y came out.
I was going through bad times in my life so i was just sitting in my room 24/7 and all i did is being in GTS Scouting Thread where i and other anons were hunting for shiny pokemon in GTS.
It was like stock market. You enter GTS with only 1 legendary pokemon and it allows you to obtain 1 shiny pokemon (somebody would ask for a legend and offer shiny mon). Then you can trade that shiny pokemon for something cooler like better shiny pokemon.
And doing this over and over you obtain more shiny mons and legends.

It was so much fun.
I was waking up and opening GTS-thread knowing that its super active and filled with the same no-life dorks hunting for shiny pokemon online.

Where are you, my former bros? Did your life change? What are you doing these days?

Im waiting for S/S and it gives me the same vibes i felt during X/Y back in 2012 because the game comes out during the same comfy time to play Pokemon. I so hope there will be similar feel during this gen.