>>40067858To me it just feels like a complete failure to interpret the original design, and his new design isn't at all charismatic. I hate his expression, I hate that he turned from a very clearly Japanese design into an uninspired "knight" design. I so far have not actively liked a single new design from this generation, whereas I liked plenty from Sun & Moon
not that I didn't enjoy SM but I'm a "last good game was Gen V" guy.I'm also kind of on board with the idea that Pokemon designs have become far too cartoony, its strange and I don't know enough about art or character design to pin down why I love Spinda, Smeargle or Cincinno but Sobble or Fennekin look like trash to me. Maybe it's honestly just that their heads and eyes have got too big. They feel "soulless" to me.
Pokemon expression and personality is like one of the most important elements of the series. Its why some of my favorite Mons are Wynaut, Croagunk or Snorlax. They just do a great job communicating their personality and that makes them charismatic and lovable. Same with the human designs, and the old Ken Sugimori art. I'm enchanted by character designs like Gen II Misty and even some of Gen IV's designs like Barry. They hadn't strayed far enough from the original art style that it put me off, it felt like the "Pokemon" style was really finding itself and its happy mediums to fall into, but they just kept going and going and now we've pushed way past when anything was at its best.