>>40073065> bring back every single pokemon, except for landorus, volcarona, and all 4 tapus.set up the new pokemon number to be a little less than expected so that when gen10 comes around we'll have exactly 1000 pokemon, because muh OCD.
> megas and z-moves are back, but z-moves MIGHT be banned from competitive.following pokemon return
> difficulty settingsreplace the HM's with devices, like surfboards, hammers, etc.
> sinnoh underground.contests, but you can do them online against other players.
> only one wifi trade per day, making it more difficult to get rare pokemon.IV's are completely removed, and always perfect, meaning less egg hatching, more battling.
> add online tournaments, highly encourage online play, make online battles easy for ANYONE to access.oh, i almost forgot to cut dynamaxing!
> different online brackets, one casual, one competitive, one custom (for multis with friends)competitive tier lists now govern comp. online, but causal online isnt affected. neither is custom, of course.
> frontiersepic postgame
> regional dex IS the full national dex, fuck logic, i wanna have fun.triple battles are back
> oh, also, all online battles are always 6v6, not 3v3 or 4v4. the only exception to this is a small, never ever used category in the competitive online section.shinies are rare again.
> change the formula for wild battles to be a MIX of classic & let's go, I liked the idea behind a ball-throwing minigame thingy.only like, 3 legendaries, and they have no story significance, they're just strong pokemon fucking off in some giant labyrinthian cave in buttfuck nowhere.
> legendaries are banned from comp.comp keeps track of player scores, whereas causal is like a quickplay feature.
> the game is VERY open world, has sidequests and missions galore, and the 'story' is practically nonexistent unless you want the extra long postgame mission.there are even battles against npc's with level 100 pokemon, making it easy to level up pokemon.
> more soon.