>>40077440Well I assume 1 single per species of all the mons vs 1B lions.
I also assume Dex entries are bullshit or at least exaggerated, and ill take anime as canon.
Quik maths tell me that every mon would take on 1000000000/809 not counting gen8 so 1,236,093 per mon.
Base stage Pokemon are pretty weak. Pikachu can't really hurt a 10 yo ash. Plus it's shown that in general, attacks don't have too much effect on humans.
It's also true that the only times a human is hurt by mons is usually weak, wild and untrained ones.
If some animefag has any examples I'll be glad.
So 1/3 plus is easily slain or unable to really damage anyone.
The first stages also can maybe take down 1.
Last stages and standalones are really what matters. I'd say flying/floating mons are at advantage.
Psychic mons are the strongest since levitate and can strike from a distance.
The weaker ones would still be able to take 5-10 of them after getting strained. After that they can teleport away, but maybe not even far enough for the ocean of a billion felines.
Stronger ones as mega kazam and mewtwo, the latter easily summoning hurricanes, would kill 500/minute.
Assuming that after one week of killing them non stop and resting some hours, 3 or 4, it will be tired and lions would catch up and eventually defeat it.
Still 24*7*60*500=~5.000.000.
Maybe backed up by other mons as clerics, using a circle of steel mons as shields, with airborne attackers over it, mewtwo would increase its efficiency 10 times. Having at least other 20 mons this strong, it would be just right to end them all.
This would be enough if the cleric would remain untouched, but the steel types would still get defeated in 2 or 3 days, with tired healers and starting to suffer hunger. Lions would just eat their dead companions.
Since many mons have OP gimmicks, until tired they could reap some souls like yveltal, groudon, kyo, also the timespace trio.