Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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No.40115961 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trailer will drop on October 5th

>More galarian forms will be shown which include:
>>Galarian Psyduck looks like it has a huge trauma psychic type.
>>Galarian Golduck same as Psyduck but looks creepier psychic/ghost type
>>Galarian Noctowl looks more hostile and is now a psychic/flying type.
>To go along with the galarian forms a couple of Gigantamax forms will also be shown:
>>Gigantamax Sudowoodo kinda looks like sudowood except this time it horn is shaper to go along with the extra green sphere things on its arms, sudowoodo now has a more angry look on its face.
>>Gigantamax Gengar As well as losing its pupils its eyes start glowing red,the spikes on its back ae bigger and extra sharp,Its mouth has fangs now whilst still havig it closed.

Thats all I have as of now