>>40132774Male Primarina are a cancer that should be exterminated, in anyway possible. I highly encourage everyone who encounters a male Primashit to turn off their games to keep your cartridge pure and clean of the filth that is male Primarina. Trust me, the entire species will be thankful.
Male Primashits are the lowest forms of life that can ever exist in every possible timeline fucking ever. I'd rather sleep with the literal embodiment of sin, than to have a male Primarina even grace my gaze. I spit in face of those who happily own a male Primarina, ignorant of the ugliness that they claim to "love." Loving male Primarina is literally impossible, if you do, you deserve to have your breeding rights revoked, castrated, and tied to a post in the center of towns square next to your male seal corpse and pubically mocked for having such immoral taste.
Male Primarina bring shame to its entire species. Such a beautiful and elegant female as Primarina shall not be cursed the genitalia of that of a typical mammalian male. You're honestly a herald of sin and degeneracy if you do not put down, release, or soft reset your male Popplio.