>>40120574I'd probably just be working at a Pokémart, like how all my jobs have been working at a store. And similarly to how I don't have a pet, I probably wouldn't have a Pokémon either. I always like when people come into the store with their dogs however, and let me pet them, so it would probably be the same thing in the Pokémon world. "Oh, that's a neat Eevee. What's its name?" And then I get to pet it. Then they leave, and I go back to the rest of my miserable day, always wondering what I'm gonna get in trouble for next at my job. Then I go home to my filthy apartment that I can barely afford, dreading every single day that I continue to live. But death is never going to come. I'm far too afraid to actually kill myself, and I'll continue to live each day, growing older under the desert sun, sapping away with little youthful appearance I have left. Growing older and uglier with each day, knowing that my 40s are coming in just five short years. I have no desires. I just spend my money on rent, internet, electricity, and overpriced doctor's appointments because they won't even see me if I have government provided health care, all for hormones that won't make any change to my appearance whatsoever. Every now and then, while riding my bike to or from work, I might see a wild Pokémon out in the road. Perhaps a Rattata, or Zigzagoon, or Poochyena. I'd have to hope it doesn't chase me halfway down the road, or anything. Maybe see a few Pidgeys or Zubats flying around in the sky, depending on the time of day. That would basically be it.