>>40138633>buff weaker mons that needed to shineAh yes, Blaziken, Gengar, Alakazam, Salamence, Gyarados, Tyranitar, Scizor, Garchomp, Mewtwo, Rayquaza. My favorite ""weaker mons"".
>some strategy behind who to megaNo there isn't. You pick the most viable one and that's that.
>only legendaries had op megasKangaskhan, Lucario, Gengar, Salamence, Blaziken, Mawile, and Sableye are legendaries?
>VERY creative new redesigns on old pokemontaking details the pokemon has and exaggerating them != creative
>it just gets biggerYes because it's the easiest way to make it visually distinct while allowing every Pokemon to use it.
>anyone can do it, so you know that they're gonna dyna their Ubers mons to sweepeasily countered by a couple of protects
Woahhh you mean people are going to use good Pokemon and not bad Pokemon? It's just like how literally every competitive game works!
>easily countered by a couple of protectsSo it has counterplay? How is this a bad thing again?
>nothing changesYou mean other than it being easier to bypass flinches, set up terrains/weather, and KO/tank pokemon you wouldn't be able to otherwise?
>only able to use during gym and max raidwoahhh so they actually balanced the game around it instead of just letting you mindlessly spam it everywhere?
thanks for telling me why dynamax is better anon.