>>40147849I'll give this a shot.
> Florgesthe entire florges line is grass, obviously. however, it should turn grass-psychic once flabebe evolves into floette, and florges will keep the grass-psychic.
> aromatissepsychic-dark, psychic-ghost, maybe toss a normal in there? i wanted to make it part poison because of the plague mask, but i couldn't find any other better reasons to make it part poison.
> slurpuffeasily just a solid normal type, brings nothing else to the table.
> sylveonthe entirety of this pokemon was designed with the fairy type in mind, and wanted to advertise it 100%. this being said, it would be difficult to actually pin a typing on sylveon. personally, i'd remove sylveon from this list, but since i know you'd get mad, let's just say it's flying & call it a day.
> Xerneasanother fairy type advertisement, but this time, we have more inspiration. xerneas is the life deer based on blah blah blah norse mythology you've heard this bullshit before. grass-psychic. moving along.
> comfeyi'm starting to notice a trend here with fairies that should be grass, or could be pinned to psychic. comfey is OBVIOUSLY normal-grass, MAYBE normal-bug if you wanna try to be a smartass and try to call it a bug, which it isn't.
> othersanything that's dualtype fairy obviously just monotypes to the other type.