>>401485061. Because models were "future proofed". This was GFs justification for selling a laughably overpriced Pokedex app as the first 3DS entry, because "prease undelstand, 3D moders vely expensive".
2. Because the cut Pokemon aren't being replaced with any substantial content. If they were, GF would have revealed it long ago to build hype, otherwise their marketing is incompetent as fuck.
3. Because the Pokemon that remain can still be transferred, giving a huge advantage to those who "trained the right Pokemon" once Home goes live, and screwing over those who played with Pokemon that weren't shillmon/overpowered/popular. In my case, as the Galardex stands now, aside from my Roserade and my shiny Raichu, NONE of the roughly 150 or so Pokemon I seriously trained will transfer. When Home opens up, I will be at a colossial disadvantage online.
4. Because there is absolutely no reason for the cut. Memory, ram, system capabilities, programming tools, ECT. have increased at an exponentially greater rate than the Pokedex, including alternate forms. Whereas Gen 1 couldn't even fit 1 more Pokemon, Gen 8 could hold thousands easily. Fuck, even Dragon Quest XI has just shy of 666 models each individually animated, and IIRC that's before the DLC being included in the Switch Version.
5. Because we are tired of GFs laziness/excuses. The games have gotten progressively shittier and lazier, and the national Dex was the last "justification" for this. With it gone, so is the canvases patience and Goodwill.