>>40155332If you don't like nuzlockes you can play the pussy ver. nuzlocke.
You catch only one Pokémon per route, but it can be whatever you want. Don't matter if it escapes or whatever, just pick one and get it. You can't catch the same species twice.
They don't "die" when they faint, but you need to box/release the highest leveled ones after a gym.
1-2 badges: 1 gets boxed
3-4-5 badges: 2 get boxed
6-7-8 badges: 3 get boxed
And that's it. You can change how many you have to get rid of after each badge. I guess the idea prevents you from overleveling a couple of Pokémon and also if you're lazy you have to find ways to beat gyms without having to grind in the tall grass like an idiot.
X items are busted as fuck, you decide if you wanna use them or not.