>>40164363They had a few issues which stopped them from achieving their potential. I would like to have seen maybe 3 changes made to them:
>All mega pokemon are balanced to be about as strong as each other (with exceptions being the legendary megas).The fact of the matter is that the flat 100BST meant that something neat like Mega Beedril had no reason to be used over something like Mega Salamence.
>Megas only last 5 turnsThis one would probably be more unpopular an opinion, as it would make Stall megas fairly useless, but I think a limit on using them would make them much more strategic as a gameplay mechanic.
I can say that while I liked megas, I'm happy they are gone. Not cutting them but adding Z-moves on top of it is just bad game design. I dont want to see pokemon be full of half implemented mechanics and while I dont really like Dynamax at all, I'm happy that it's JUST Dynamax, not Dynamax AND Z-moves AND Megas, as that would just be fucking horrible.