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No.40216338 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm thinking I will buy Pokemon SwSh used, then after I sink at least 100 hours into it, just sell my Switch along with its game library. All the other upcoming Switch games I've been looking forward to seem to get less and less appealing with every new trailer. For the longest time I wanted Luigi's Mansion 3, but if I'm being honest with myself it just looks like a half-assed trainwreck, just like Dark Moon was back in 2013. No legit horror-esque vibes, just bland cartoony silliness with subpar exploration elements. Sure, the lack of a mission format is much appreciated, but it's too little too late if you ask me. I was hyped as fuck for Animal Crossing: New Horizons when I first saw its debut trailer during this year's e3... but after watching the extended gameplay footage I came to the realization that the game was devoid of any true merits aside from pleasant graphical flourishes and a generally "comfy" atmosphere. When I saw the BotW sequel teaser I was practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation, especially since I only expected DLC. However, after hearing the Treehouse fags discussing it for awhile, it became quite evident that BotW's sequel would be reusing the original's open world.... wtf, how lazy can these people get?