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[41 / 6 / ?]

No.40251810 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>all these people defending this bullshit because "it's just life real life!"
No, you fucking retards. If it were like real life then they'd at least have the effort to put in some actual rustling and wind and shit. Give more visual cues instead of just cockteasing stuff that wasn't shown
Most importantly, if it were like real life they wouldn't have discriminated based on whatever the fuck they thought should go in the stream. There's no way this fucking late-game forest only has:
and nothing fucking else. They should have put all of the fucking shit in there to make it interesting, but nope. Just like with the dex cut they're only gonna choose whatever they deem marketable. What an absolute travesty.
No, this isn't realistic. They showed a grand total of 6 species. If it were like a real live cam you'd at least see minute shit.