>>40259803Alright heres an actual argument instead of running in circles with this "nuhuh uhuh" bullshit ive seen all thread.
The basis of the franchise is catch, train, battle. The stat system was originally made with each pokemon being unique. IVs were an inherent thing and EVs reflected how it grew, nature and nurture.
EVs reflected the idea of a pokemon getting better at certain things based on the challenges it faced. It didn't translate perfectly, but when you battled a zubat, which was a mon predisposed to speed, it can be interpreted as the pokemon you used being fast enough to hit it, thus it was trained in speed. Add EXP which boosted all stats, and covered just getting better in all aspects.
Now we take the exp share, currently exp all, as it was. It was meant to be an aid as the name "learning equipment" suggests. Don't ask how it works, but you use the funky doodad and it helps your other pokemon learn too.
Back then it was the deviation from how training was meant to happen. And it came with a downside, the participating pokemon only gets half the exp.
Through its time as a held item it retains this. And as a key item in gen 6 and 7 it still retained this quality but lost the downside. Which is of course around the time it became a difficulty switch, because it was all upside.
Now it isn't a switch at all, it is constant. What does this represent in universe. You enter a battle with your starter, beat the enemy and then the bagged pokemon you're carrying with you gains the experience? Then there's the implications of EVs. Now a pokemon doesn't get better through specific kinds of training. Your kadabra fought lots of zubat? Well i guess your entire team is super fast now.
Even leaving a world where EVs are individual and Exp is shared it still doesn't really mesh well in universe.