>>40304665Honestly, yeah, where when most games that are content barren, repetitive, lack luster games like anthem and fallout 76 get properly lambasted for every fault they have, and the developers are properly criticized for delivering a genuine subpar product, whereas Game freak gets free passes over and over and over again, despite all the overall blatant negatives the games have and the literal reuse of assets like fo76. However because I'm guessing because it's not a western developer, and there's yet to be official word on the dexcull in japan directly, It's very much heavily defended and excused for being just a pokemon game and a nintendo IP, which is very ironic, since the second the negative reception hit nintendo, they'd probably would've delayed it instantly if they had more control over GF and TPCi.
But ya know, Heaven FORBID our chinese cartoon animal catch-a-thon has quality control doing their job and ensuring they aren't penny pinching at every corner, cuz uploading models and updating texture are Just Too Hard!