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No.40330262 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I only like some games and pokemon and that is all I do is there something wrong with me? I dont understand some things it seems to me most people are just better than me. I dont talk to people cuz I cant it is very hard and scary for me and I just want to know how you do it so easy. Anytime I seem to say anything everyone gain up on me and constantly mocks me even when I say to stop and then the pain is always in my head and never goes away they always be in my head and I dont know what to do. I cant ignore them sometimes because of how angry I get. The one person who understands knows this and they smile at me and believe I can do better and I can improve. I lurk on here and read what people say in some threads to try to get an idea of how to talk to people where people will be nicer but most of the time I do everyone is mean anywhere I go. Some people even want me to die and i know you guys dont know me but why would you want a person to die. I admit that i cried and took break from internet to be stronger but if there are bullies mocking u still and its majority of everyone what do u do? No1 will take my side even when I try only a few nice people but there are more bullies than them. Even if I apologize since I dont understand they still do it. I dont want to say how I am completely but I am not like most of you I did not have what it took to be able to attend a school and I will never get a job for the same reason. Im always playing game or on this site now. Only one person understand me but no1 else when I ask if they do they always dont and insult me. I am not even sure I am hiding myself good to make people tell if I am the person they hate or not I just want someone to tell me what I am doing wrong