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Grookey evolves into a shaman. It's stick becomes a staff and it becomes Grass/Dark.
Scorbunny evolves into a taller, lankier scorbunny with a scarf and electric whip, Fire/electric of course, but with access to fighting type moves.
Sobble evolves into Intelleon obviously. It looks kind of like pic related, but a spy and a chameleon. It can poison people just by walking by. Water/poison.
The story is quite complex. about 20-25 hours in length.
Magnolia is the main villain. She's using the funding she receives to prove the existence of the Dynamax phenomenon. Sonia is an unwitting pawn. in all of this.
Oleanna is actually Marnie's mother, who isn't very fond of her daughter's admiration of the ancient hero who stopped Eternatus, due to her believing it to be nothing more than a myth. Marnie wants Eternatus to prove her mother wrong.
Speaking of which, Eternatus is quite interesting. Classified in the Pokedex as "the shadow pokemon" it allegedly has the ability to create whatever it wants from the shadows.
Back to Rivals, Bede is smug since he is the Prince of Galar. He acts like he owns the place, because one day, he will. He wants Eternatus for the power it possesses.
Hop is actually kind of angry at being just "Leon's little brother". This results in him wanting Eternatus so he can do something his brother never could.
Impidimp eveloves into a chernabog type being known as Beelzebrat, retaining the cheeky nature in a much swoller body.
Gigantamax forms include:
The Kanto starters (Because obviously)
The Affleck Trinity (Pikachu, Lapras, Meowth)
Piplup (gift mon)
Tyranitar, Volcarona, Aerodactyl, Hydreigon (you know why)
Dedenne (looks like Gorochu, Raichu's scrapped evolution)
Mimikyu (its true form, a spider of darkness with star eyes)
Morpeko (Think Two-face from Batman)
Zacian (Big dog, Bigger sword)
Zamazenta (Huge body, Huger mane)
Eternatus (A traditional English Dragon)