>>40377963I'm finally unbanned, so here goes:
> sceptilesceptile is very cold natured despite the hoenn health and safety regulations saying he's just fine. there have been multiple reported cases of newly evolved sceptiles almost immediately attacking and killing its trainer, and very few ever survive these attacks. those who do survive are deemed "worthy" by sceptile and sceptile will obey, granted the badges per level bullshit. the media dodges mentioning how unsafe sceptile is as a starter pokemon due to the massive appeal that foreigners have to it. tourism is a major industry of hoenn, and one of the major reasons why other than the climate is the unique and badass pokemon, like sceptile. should people learn how dangerous a sceptile is to raise, it would most definitely deter the tourism industry of hoenn.
one of the few survivors survived with help from a partner gardevoir and some Joseph Joestar levels of luck/plot armor/bullshit asspulls. this came at a heavy price: the trainer's left arm was ripped clean off, and if the gardevoir didn't know teleport the trainer would no doubt die of blood loss within the following hours.
> gardevoirgardevoir is one of the few pokemon capable of intelligent speech, although not in the traditional sense. it's already a well-known and widely accepted fact that most psychic pokemon can read the feelings & thoughts of their trainers, while particularly gifted species such as gardevoir, medicham, & alakazam are capable of conversing with trainers telepathically, with alakazam rumored to be able to speak to any pokemon. however, what must be noted is the odd bonds that trainers share with a gardevoir. gardevoir can impart very weak and brief psychic powers unto a trainer she believes is capable of changing the world. the only recorded instance of this is a young trainer being able to see 4-5 seconds into the future, much like [ Epitaph ] . however, scientists believe that we've merely scratched the surface.
(want more bros?)