>in the first routes of pokemon games new pokemon are usually scarse, while in galar they didn't encounter past pokemon for over 80 minutes
>you visit the wild area in your first few hours of the game, as in mmorpgs you'll be able to see other players' movements and actions in real time
>some pokemon in the wild area are MUCH higher level than the user's
>as in classic jrpgs, you'll find way stronger creatures that you can't beat early on and that you need to avoid to beat/catch them in the future when you have enough experience
>the pokedex has now an integrated minimap that shows which pokemon are in a certain route without having to check every single pokemon like before
>less "handholding"
>some of LG's features are back like: the portable pc box, and a similar exp share that will make low level pokemon grow faster but high level pokemon grow slower
>wild raids pokemon have exclusive moves that normal pokemon cant learn, for example they can disable all our pokemon's abilities
>new area moves have been added just for these raids, that help all 4 pokemon survive the boss
>team play is essential for raids
>dynamax doesnt work like normal battles for raids, one of the four players will instantly have dynamax available while the other 3 will gradually "charge" it
>raids will reward items to better grow/train our pokemon
>taking part of wild raids will give you give you "watts", don't know for sure what this new energy currency will do but think it's probably connected to dynamax and gigantamax