>>40418453>>40418637Aight shitlord, how about some basic math.
Let's assume, for no goddamn reason, Game Freak are completely incompetent and have high development costs, so Pokemon games actually are some of the most expensive games of all time to create at $100M per set of games to produce, around the same as GTAV. We'll call it $50M for third versions since they take less effort. This blatantly isn't true and is easily an order of magnitude above reality, but to satisfy your deranged fantasy land, we'll roll with it. We'll also discount inflation to avoid further complications.
Assuming the above is true, Game Freak has incurred roughly $1.5B in development costs for the mainline games. These same games have have raised $11.116B in revenues (here's a chart with the sales summed up if you want to double check:
vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon and feel free to total them yourself). Out of that, about $8B of it was made after Gen 2. So even if Game Freak was making every single Pokemon game with the same tier of budget as the most expensive games ever made in history, they're still $8 billion goddamn dollars richer than they were in 1996.
The thing your defending is a company's desire to further pad their ten-figure bank account into an eleven-figure one by cutting every corner possible. Shit, considering kickbacks from merch sales, it probably IS eleven figures already, and they still want more. Is this the hill you want to die on? Do you really want to argue with people on the internet about how our expectations for a company are too high when they're probably just sitting on their asses taking interest payments on billions of dollars while putting out such a half-assed game? Who the fuck hurt you to expect so little out of life?