I got a bunch of these
>a "pretty" Pokemon that evolves into an "ugly" Pokemon
>a Pokemon that actually gets weaker upon evolving (not in the Chansey vs Blissey way, but in the if-Gyarados-evolved-into-Magikarp way)
>a Pokemon that's 2 creatures as one, each creature being a half of the whole Pokemon, not like Slowbro's Shellder or anything like that
>been thought of before, but a Pokemon that evolves via fainting
>a Pokemon that can't battle at all
>conversely, a Pokemon that can ONLY battle; it can't do anything else other than battle
>Pokemon so big you can go inside them because Wailord's a punk who doesn't even go over 50 ft long, nerd
>conversely, microscopic Pokemon
>Pokemon that represent and/or were actually BORN from manmade concepts and ideas (not physical things like objectmons)
>more Pokemon like Weezing who look like they really shouldn't be alive
>more shit similar to Inkay evolving if your system is upside-down
>Pokemon that you can ONLY EVER GET via breeding, like a rotten egg Pokemon or an egg parasitoid Pokemon or something
>all those glitch Pokemon as real, obtainable Pokemon
>a Pokemon that is an entirely inanimate object/thing, no face or limbs or anything, but it can somehow do all the things a regular Pokemon can do
>a straight-up robot that is a Pokemon, someone physically makes a robot and it is completely a Pokemon, somehow
>similarly, something that technically isn't a Pokemon somehow but can be used as a Pokemon in every way, somehow