>>40464583>>40464613Makes me do a :(
Normallows will never appreciate the majesty of stuff like:
>Trails/Kiseki because they actually have to read and process non-simplistic ideas in their heads, as well as genuinely having to explore the area they're currently in for side content.
>MegaTenbecause super-effective =/= instant win even though super-effective gives you extra turns.
>Dragon Questbecause old bad and understanding the origins of the genre bad except for KANTOOOOOOOO which is the only time old is good apparently.
As for Cyber Sleuth it's okay but isn't that amazing, it's just it made many fixes and improvements to stuff Pokemon should have fixed already, and it feels more like a team effort with you always having multiple mons on the field.
Ultimately I think Pokemon is bad because it is "super-effective simulator". Most battles are singles with little else going on besides hitting for SE damage first. While SE damage is important in many JRPGs, most others at least have some spicy boss strategies and teambuild options.