>>40479750Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory, a goddamn Vita game, has 320+ creatures
Each of those creatures has
>A physical attack animation>A special attack animation>A Status Effect Animation>A Victory Animation>A signature Attack, fully unique and animated (Even some Digimon that would be called 'palette swaps' have unique attacks)Pokemon has around 500 Pokemon in a Switch game, they have an animation for physical, special and status effect moves (this one, usually shared with the Pokeball release one) plus very simplistic amie/camp ones
Difference is, while Pokemon has an animation for "every move" unlike Digimon, every move is usually just a water/light/fire effect that is applied to every Pokemon regardless of size, body shape or anything else
If they had the 700+ creatures from the 3DS at least the numbers wouldn't be so bad, it'd be a quantity vs quality issue
But since the roster's been cut short, and the animations follow the same principle you have a Vita Game with less than 200 characters' difference actually looking better on the creature front (AKA the main selling point for each franchise)