>>40518073Well, first we have to establish that everything from XY onwards is shit. Unfortunately I only realized this after playing Sun and Moon, but that's life.
The 3D games offer:
>Less Exploration (Especially Alola holy shit)>Less Challenge (There's like, two hard battles in Gen 7 total, and none in XY)>Terrible World Design. Alola has a bunch of routes that are just straight lines where you aren't actually forced into grass.>A greater focus on a story that, in SM and likely SS's case, doesn't actually focus on the player. And by a greater focus I mean, constantly interrupting the player and ironically breaking immersion. (BW started this unfortunately but it actually had the other things the 3D games are missing to back it up)>Why the fuck was the mon distribution in SM so awful holy shit. This isn't really an XY complaint and I have a feeling SS's mon distribution isn't going to be as awful from what we've seen but what the fuck where they thinking putting Gumshoos, Raticate and Pelipper on every route Jesus Christ.>Poorly thought out forced battle gimmicks>Giving every pokemon joke forms that stops making them feel like monsters and more like memesBasically, it's not about Dexit if that's what you're asking. Even if these games had national dexes, I wouldn't buy them.
Also personally I just don't like most of the Pokemon they've revealed so far but hey that's why I want to see everything in the first place. But alas, c'est la vie.