>>40528908Pokemon where the genders have slightly different forms. Keyword: Slightly.
> https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_with_gender_differencesMost of these have "differences" that are hardly noticeable at a glance. Like female Lumineons having slightly larger fins. Honestly, who gives a shit if they do or not. The devs already have their hands full in trying to make 900+ pokemon 3d models. Wasting their time in making extra gender forms for most of these pokemon just isn't worth the effort. Not when you have to cut 200+ pokemon for slightly different forms that most people won't really notice or care about.
Things like Meowstics, Jellicents, Pyroars, etc are okay because their gendered forms ARE noticeably different. You can spot it right away. But for the majority of these gendered pokemon, their differences are too minuscule to warrant 3d modeling, UVing, and texturing a 3d model for it.
That's time that could have been spent making Mega Evolution forms or working on the visual effects for the Z-moves.