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No.40550829 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>use some connections of mine to get a rare opportunity to meet with Junichi Masuda
>fly to japan
>get driven to Game Freak HQ
>walk through the halls looking at all the cute Pokemon merchandise
>see some posters advertising Town. oof.
>reach Masuda's office
>walk in
>Masuda is sitting at his desk with a translator He looks like a nice guy actually.
>sit down on the opposite side of the desk and introduce myself while telling him I'm a big fan of the music he composes
>translator repeats what I said in Japanese and Masuda smiles and responds
>translator says Masuda says thanks and is willing to answer any questions of mine about Sword and Shield
>I cut straight to the point and ask him if there's any way he'd reconsider cutting the national dex
>translator translates
>Masuda's smile fades a little and responds
>translator tells me that Game Freak actually has heard the voices of the fans and even though they think it would overall be better if they didn't, they plan to release the rest of the Pokemon later as paid DLC
>I have to contain my groan over the idea of paying extra for what should have come with the game
>I ask Masuda how much it will cost
>translator asks my question to Masuda and Masuda responds
>the translator turns to me an says "Masuda-san says it will cost about tree fiddy."
>I turn to look at Masuda and realize this isn't actually Junichi Masuda but an 8 story tall dinosaur from the Mesozoic Era
>goddamn loch ness monster tricked me again