>>40561682Oh gee willikers, the ice cream Pokémon existing made Gen V unplayable. I sure was seething over only new Pokémon until the post-game in BW.
Actually, wait, no I wasn't and I didn't care because it means fuck all. You think the Pokémon that are present actually determine whether the games are good or not? That's like saying the demons in SMT are what determines which SMT games are good. Every single person who would get Sword or Shield if it had all Pokémon present internally but are now making a fuss are part of the problem. THAT'S the thing keeping you from buying the game? Fucking really? Not the myriad of awful game design choices that have been steadily plaguing the franchise over the past several years?
>>40558171 says. This thread shouldn't even be a thing. If you're upset, truly upset about the quality of the game, you shouldn't even be touching it. You're not gonna buy it, or return jt, or buy it secondhand, or download it, or pirate it because why would you want to? Stop being a 16 year old bandwagonner that's sweating as he approaches the release date but wants to keep up this internet boycott. You clearly understand nothing about why these games are a problem. The Pokémon removal is merely one symptom of many, but it's not the root problem. You're like coomers who have gone a week without masturbation.