>>40559717Literally just using regular stealth rocks is infinitely better.
Regular Stealth Rocks isn’t regulated by a 3 turn limit, can be used on more Pokemon, and doesn’t require a regular shitmon to use.
The “regulated to 3 consecutive turns” is especially when Defog is such an easy way to remove stealth rocks, and unless you have back up, you won’t get your rocks back if they defog after your Gigantamax is gone.
This is why suicide leads fell out of fashion in Gen 6, and were even dying in Gen 5.
Stealth Rocks aren’t so good if you can consistently kill the Pokemon that sets them before they set them up, or when they can easily remove any trouble Pokemon that otherwise could stop you from removing them.
This is why Ferrothorn by far the best hazards setter in the game. Ferrothorn can almost always safely set up, as long as there is no fire type. It has the bulk to survive any neutral hit multiple times, it has the power with Gyro Ball/Power Whip and also has leech seed to threaten out certain hazard removers, and it can still be useful to check Pokemon when its not stacking hazards.
A Dyna/Giganta form may have the bulk and can threaten out Pokemon, but they only last for 3 turns, and you can’t exactly counter something that can’t switch in on a technical level.
Not even regular Drednaw will be useful since it’ll just be like a physical Omastar or a fatter Carracosta