some leaks you haven’t heard yet
>beedrill has depression and anxiety, so you must take him to his weekly therapist appointments or bad things happen; this cannot be fixed with curry
>snake / large pokemon can swallow their owners whole and will do at several points in the story
>sometimes you’ll hear screaming
>wooloo is pulling the strings, the wool is over everyone’s eyes
>there is no reference to the color maroon
>you are not allowed to name your character thomas, due to recent controversy
>there is a pokemon based on roadkill
>small nods to kingdom hearts throughout
>strongly hinted at and normalized relationships between men and pumpkins
>your character, if female, hates pink; this can be fixed with curry
>at least one pokemon must be bullied to the point of tears in order to evolve
>any pokemon become a ghost type if you keep attacking it long after it faints