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Leak thread

No.40579393 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm not leaking the games, though, I'm leaking the future of /vp/
>the year is 2021
>/vp/ is in shambles. After the release of gen 9, pokemon dips to a low its never been before
>shills and protesters are forced to double down on their stances, shitposting and bait threads come full circle where shitposters are actually falsefagging for what they believe in
>/padt/ leaks into the rest of the board so the threads are about 60/40 games to anime
>/pgg/ is booming and threads reach bump limit daily ever since people defected to the game that has every single pokemon
>Boneposting rises in prominence in order to combat the cancer of the board with Lucius Down being the most used reply image ("I don't like what yer doin'")
>comfy threads are few and far between, as they're usually raided by waifufags
>the rise in prominence of leafposter has encouraged countless other autistic waifufags, one for each FemC, each as autistic as preciousleaf
>/VPMD/2 starts with OP being even more jaded than he already is with only a niche audience there solely for the nostalgia, as the board is no longer a hospitable place for /VPMD/
>literally the only refuge is "favorite pokemon" threads, which often spark arguments between scytherfags and pinsirfags
This is what we will become