>>40587823>Damn, I'm a bug-bro, but is bug really the most resisted type?Yes. The 3 types it is super effective against are also not that useful and it is extremely hard to justify bug coverage even on my monotype team. Grass is useful to hit super effectively, but there are way better coverage moves to do that, just about anything hits grass SE. If you are looking for a coverage move to hit dark types it's way more useful to carry fighting or fairy, and just about everything either gets a fighting move or dazzling gleam. If you are looking for psychic coverage just about everything gets knock off, which offers way more utility than throwing megahorn or xscissor on your pokemon.
I honestly believe that bug is the worst offensive type, even worse than poison. At least there is a very valid reason to carry poison (beating fairies) but there is almost never a reason to carry bug coverage on a non bug type. And even on bug types it's hard to justify, except for butterflies/moths that don't have much coverage anyways that will carry bug buzz.