>>40601489>Artisan cavewho cares
>game cornerDid you really care that much about a shitty luck-based minigame you have to grind at for hours with perfect luck to get anything good? Hell, you don't even get any Pokemon for it outside of RBY/FRLG so again, who actually gives a fuck?
>sky pillarFleshing it out with additional story is the exact opposite of gutting it
>New MauvilleThey literally made it bigger with more shit to do
>roaming legendariesGood, fuck those
>berry blendingImplying anyone actually gives a fuck about berries
>battle tentsThey were originally contest halls in RS which these games are remakes of. Keep in mind as with all Pokemon remakes ORAS are remakes of the paired version and not the 3rd version. Some things may carry over from the 3rd version but what was originally in the paired games takes priority.
>difficulty>implying that's important in babby's first RPG>feebas subquestBecause everybody wants to waste their time finding six tiles that could also have other Pokemon in them just to catch a shitty Magikarp ripoff that evolves into a shitty Gyarados ripoff
>granite caveFuck Flash
>gen 3's healthy metaReal men don't use legendaries anyways
>good designs with megasBetter than XY and balanced some traditional duos that only had a mega for one (ex. Scizor and Steelix, Gardevoir and Gallade, etc.) although now Butterfree has been cucked compared to Beedrill