>>40608381>>40609850>>40608320>>40608497People actually care about framerate in non-action RPGs all of a sudden? Heck, I remember you guys shilling for BotW's frequent drops to 20fps back during its launch window, and that was a full-on action oriented game, so why have the tables conveniently flipped now? Honestly, if you're not playing at least at 120 fps via a high refresh display on pc you might aswell not even care about framerate at all, unless it's a fighter or sum shit. 20 vs. 30 vs. 60; it's essentially as pointless as fighting over table scraps, since all three options are extremely undesirable. I'll take more robust graphical assets over a high/consistent framerate in a console game any day of the week. Imagine how incredible Super Mario Odyssey could have looked if they pulled out the stops and gave the beautiful fantasy world depicted within the attention to detail it truly deserved.