Some info, been playing for awhile
>No exclusive box legendary, the boxmons are the starter's final evos
>None of the legendaries are exclusive
>Game makes frequent references to "Mew"
>Mewtwo is secret postgame legendary, looks like a weird hairless cat thing, no sign of regular mew, might be an event
>Several Sinnoh Pokemon get pre-evos this gen
>Your rival continue's Silver's trend of being kind of an asshole
>Mid-evos might be this game's gimmick aside from safari zone, Magby and Elekid have evos before reaching their Sinnoh forms now
>Magikarp seems to be useless, never learned anything but splash. Might be a meme-mon
>Gym leaders use some mixed types in their gym
>Rock, Water, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Fire, Poison, Ground
>Some trainers have a pokemon named Gyarados, no idea how the fuck to get it
>Two fossils, picked Dome, gave me a horseshoe crab and a thing with fucking scythes for hands
>So far, found only four legendaries, A trio of birds, Fire, Ice, Electric, and Mewtwo
>Some hints suggest you're playing as that mute boomer guy from the sun/moon postgame, your rival is the other guy
>Might be a prequel to GSC, too, Team Rocket doesn't reference anything that happened in Johto or Alola
>There are no previous gen pokemon at all except regional variants as far as I can tell
>Pre-evo to All the dog "-eon" pokemon, but can only evolve into new evos Jolteon, Flareon, and Vaporeon
>There's a weird fighting-type gym that doesn't give you a badge, but a pokemon
>Gives you the choice between two new evos for Tyroge, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, a torso with eyes or a boxer
Can't think of much else off the top of my head, ask me anything