>>40699572But thing is, Pokemon has always had that je ne sais quoi, that certain something where you just KNEW you were looking at a Pokemon. When "Luchalitten and friends" were first leaked I immediately knew they were real because they had that distinctive GF touch that fakemon artists simply can't grasp. And viceversa, whenever a "starter" leaked, which was actually fake, no matter how clean it looked you could just tell it was fake because it lacked that something. The only Pokemon pre gen 8 that didn't give me that feeling was Drampa, but other than that every Pokemon always looked like it belonged in this franchise, from every gen. Every new Pokemon shown on video during gen 7, for example, looked just right from the very beginning and didn't need people "warming up" because they all looked like Pokemon.
This is the first gen were it shows a clear lack of cohesion and communication between the designers, because everything looks so different, the artstyles aren't congruent, the colors look abnormal, the shapes even more so, I seriously don't even know what I'm looking at anymore.