>>40789554 I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE SELLING THIS SHITFEST FOR $60!! That's about how much it costs for a quality AAA title, pretty much. You could take $60, stand on a bridge, and just throw it all away! You'd rather do anything then spend it on a broken down, dysfunctional disaster of video game programming, with baby shit difficulty, hideous turner designs, insignificant characters, horrendous models, a marathon of mediocre mono types, bland starters, problems with proportion, misleading promises, misleading game development, embarrassing pandering, seizure-inducing color palette, lack of good Galarian forms, Pokemons you can't catch, bros you may lose, new Pokemon that make no sense whatsoever, shitty graphics, shitty music, shitty story, and a fuckton of other things!
It should've been ILLEGAL for them to sell this rotten shitload of putrid fuck for any price! I feel humiliated to live on the same planet as Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori, who got together to make an electronic abomination of this magnitude! Could they have tried making one good Pokemon game, as opposed to 3 bad Pokemon mainline games? Quality over yearly quantity. That's our lesson here.