In no particular order, these are the objectively best designs, having nothing to do with my particular taste. The Top 10 can shift a little bit but these 5 Pokemon will not fall outside of it.>>40882504You mean Gen III.
>>40882561You're on the right track but Mawile is bad.
>>40882579Your list is almost no different from the one preceding it.
>>40882615Not bad. Mightyena and Zangoose however are unremarkable, merely cool but that's not good enough.
>>40882660>>40882702Sharpedo is a far better design than Hariyama. Your list is fine though.
>>40882710Remove Manectric, and Sceptile doesn't quite belong.
>>40882713You could easily replace Jirachi or Metagross with Regirock or Regice.
>>40882714You're cold.
>>40882799Get rid of Mawile and your list is on the higher end of close to the real one.
>>40882895You're close.
>>40883258Manectric sucks, replace it with Spheal.
>>40883696Ninjask, Milotic, and Rayquaza are right. Aggron has too much competition to call.
>>40883839This list is decent.