>>40894149Toxapex and Sigilyph are actually entirely dependant on mind games at this point. Essentially, it boils down to when Toxapex plans on using recover/haze vs when Sigilyph is using cosmic power/stored power.
If Sigilyph maintains even one cosmic power then Toxapex has to Recover every turn in order to actually outlast it, making it a game of prediction vs. prediction. Sigilyph can annihilate the poor bastard if he uses a Recover gap to buff instead and attack the next turn for a 2HKO.
Alternatively, if the Sigilyph is running Calm Mind instead of Cosmic Power, the Toxapex will get 2HKO'd from the start and quite literally cannot out-sustain the stored powers, especially with Burn taking away its passive recovery if the Sigilyph is running flame orb.