>>40903368Alright, lemme ask you something, and against all your shitposting urges I want an honest answer:
Do you and people like you wanna fuck trannies?
Like, seriously, do you?
Because it seems to be all you and your ilk seem to think about.
Like it's constantly eating away at your mind.
Everywhere I go on this or some other boards it's TRANNY this, TRANNY that.
>Something has the colors blue, pink, and white - TRANNY>Something kinda feminine - TRANNY>something kinda masculine - TRANNY>something bad happens - cuz of TRANNIES>someone you don't like - TRANNY>someone slightly disagrees with you - TRANNYPeople could be having a decent discussion about pokemon, other vidya, tv shows, literally anything and someone, somewhere will yell something about trannies in the thread to try to derail it.
Don't like trannies? That's absolutely fine.
If you don't like trannies you shouldn't want anything to do with them.
And yet that's all you people seem to think about.
Your insults revolve around trannies, your conspiracy theories revolve around trannies, you call random characters trannies out of the blue.
Could it just be shitposting? Most likely.
But it happens so often it's almost like you're trying to project "trannies" onto so many things that you hate to hide the fact that you're attracted to them.
So I'll ask you again: Do you and people like you want to fuck trannies?
Because that's the only reason I can see for people being so relentlessly obsessed with them.
In the end, stop thinking about trannies so much.
Have a nice day. Thank you for reading my wall of text.
I don't want "tranny" to be in my vocabulary ever again.