[16 / 3 / ?]
Looking at Swshit's development, it's an absolute miracle that XY even happened.
>2011, DS is on its death bed
>Somehow, the GF, creatures, and nintendo conglomerate decide to prepare well ahead of time for XY's jump to 3D
>Release Pokedex 3D with just the unova dex, steadily updating it with finished models until the full national dex is ready, allowing them to regain some dev costs
>These models are very detailed and high-fidelity, to ensure that they will last for a decade
>Afterwards, Pokemon Bank is implemented, keeping the transfer chain intact, including Gen 1 and 2 later via virtual console.
>XY features a dense, heavily detailed world, making it one of the most visually impressive 3DS games on release
>XY has the entire national dex and all moves, full pokemon league, and high polish, save for some slowdown in 3D battles.
>Introduced many interesting activities, like wonder trade, mega evolutions, and Pokemon Amie
>salvaged the shitshow that was Black White, with better mon designs, earning its spot as the best-selling pokemon game of all time
>The only true flaws are the lacking postgame and corridor routes
How did they pull it off?
>2011, DS is on its death bed
>Somehow, the GF, creatures, and nintendo conglomerate decide to prepare well ahead of time for XY's jump to 3D
>Release Pokedex 3D with just the unova dex, steadily updating it with finished models until the full national dex is ready, allowing them to regain some dev costs
>These models are very detailed and high-fidelity, to ensure that they will last for a decade
>Afterwards, Pokemon Bank is implemented, keeping the transfer chain intact, including Gen 1 and 2 later via virtual console.
>XY features a dense, heavily detailed world, making it one of the most visually impressive 3DS games on release
>XY has the entire national dex and all moves, full pokemon league, and high polish, save for some slowdown in 3D battles.
>Introduced many interesting activities, like wonder trade, mega evolutions, and Pokemon Amie
>salvaged the shitshow that was Black White, with better mon designs, earning its spot as the best-selling pokemon game of all time
>The only true flaws are the lacking postgame and corridor routes
How did they pull it off?