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No.41057391 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I went from ironic buying because I like the franchise -

to pirate before buying -

to buying used only -

At this point im just gonna ignore the game and wait a month+ to purchase, but in the meantime I need my poke fix.

I plan on introducing a friend to the series roots with Red/Blue (probably not yellow), but I know there are subtle differences between the two like game corner prizes that websites seem prone to missing.

You know, ASIDE from the available pokemon.

Do you all recall the differences offhand? And is there a way to get a mew to transfer properly into pokebank from the titles? I plan to meet up with her next month and we'll trade to fill out the dex's.

What games will you introduce your friends to? I feel a lot better about going down this route than buying the new ones at this point.