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No.41065436 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Macro Cosmos is just Aether Fundation (legit and legal corporation that actually wants to mess with legendaries, totally-not-evil leader is the real bad guy of the game)
>Team Yell is just Team Skull (evil team full of retards that actually does jackshit)
>Marnie is just Gladio (dark angsty teenager who is later revealed to be related to the leader of the evil team) AND Lillie (waifu who is later revealed to be related to the leader of the evil team) AND Emna (nice girl unfortunately popular among punk hooligans causing trouble on her name)
>Hop is just Hau (friendly retard who picks the starter weak to yours and over-reacts to shit before giving you a Max Revive and a handjob)
>Bede is just Silver but without growth (faggot who can't stop losing and copes with it insulting you)
>Zacian and Zamazenta are just Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion (pokemon that walk on four legs but somehow use weapons and fight for justice)
>Eternatus is just Necrozma AND Deoxys (alien lifeform that threatens the world, you have to stop it with Zygarde/Rayquaza/Latios/Latias/Zacian/Zamazenta)
>Max power is just Z Power AND Megaevolution (special power that comes from the powerful legendary and can power up your moves and/or give your mon a super mode with a different look)
Is there something in this game that isn't copy pasted?