>>41076451I'm not sorry, and I never will be sorry. XY is the game that convinced me, once and for all, that games need story like hunters need accordions. Maybe you could argue that it was better than BW, I guess.
>450+ regional monsYes, but most of them could be found by just going to a particular route and walking around for a while. Having more things to collect does not make the collecting more exciting.
>had all 700+ current mons ingame, could transfer whatever you wantedThat's the standard, anon. And we had to wait a few months to transfer things in.
>has the GTSI never used it, but, okay. Fine.
>had a few legendaries you could hunt down"Hunt down" is a strong statement. Zygarde has to be hunted down, sure - and that's why I liked it. Mewtwo, you walk in and talk to. The bird is something you just run into a couple times before reading online about how to catch it (because the game gives you no clues about how to do so.)
>post-game questThis wasn't bad.
>new town to explore post-gameExploring a town is not that exciting - especially considering the layout of the town in question.
Now, let's go over some easy-to-see problems with the game.
>shittiest evil team>shitty villain (but that's normal)>shitty "friends" (no longer shittiest, thank you Lillie)>shittiest region (yes, worse than Unova)>shittiest generation gimmick (Megas)>shittiest storyline>shitty lore (but not shittiest, thank you Unova)>shittiest Snorlax encounter>shitty puzzles (better than Alola, at least)>shitty routes (but not as bad as Kanto)>hit-or-miss towns>hit-or-miss 'mon designs>cutscenes everywhere>dialogue everywhere>handholding everywhere>human blockades that go away only once you do some dialogue and cutscenes>shillmons out the ass>forgettable gym leaders>introduced the neo EXP share[1/2] because I'm never done