>>41083807>>41083883/vp/ liked it for the greatly improved social aspects and character customization. Friend Safari generals were around for a while. Mega Evolutions were somewhat divisive, but overall I think people enjoyed seeing them added and it was always exciting hoping for new ones. Leak season was fun as leak season often is, but I've been on /vp/ since it started and BW was the more exciting leak season for me. Even Sword and Shield's leaking was fun, even if I'm not ever going to touch it.
For someone who doesn't care for the online social aspects or take advantage of character customization, Gen VI was pretty mediocre. Like I considered joining the Friend Safari general, but I didn't like the idea of having a bunch of people I don't actually know or care about or care to know on my 3DS Friends List. I didn't really care about making friends or talking to people and if there was a way I could have done everything single-player, I would have. And I don't care about character customization because I'm bog standard when it comes to that stuff. Default name, default outfit, default starter for that character if I can.
I think that Gen VI may have been the weakest one until Gen VII happened. I was looking for a single-player game with more meaningful content, and XY were lacking in quite a few ways. SM was definitely more single-player oriented, but man was it an awful single-player experience for babies. Not so much in terms of battle difficulty, which I'll say that SM was more difficult than XY, but in everything else. Game Freak murdered Rotom for me.