>>41095843Yes we do you falseflagging simpleton
1. Every Pokemon family contains someone's favourite Pokemon. This has been empirically established. Dexcut is exclusionary and spiteful.
2. Dexcut implies this generation's Pokemon might not make it to the next. The bonds you form with this gen's Pokemon have a 50% chance of not existing next gen, and eveyr gen subsequent. Gamefreak now punishes you for liking their new Pokemon.
3. Dexcut was justified to improve graphical quality. Graphical quality has now been established as equal to Sun and Moon but jankier.
I don't even know why I'm taking the bait. I guess I like Pokemon to that autistic degree that I'm willing to philosophize about it. But here are some arguments for Dexcut if you wanna be that one autistic friend explaining SwSh to your normie friends at parties I guess.