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Welcome to the JUNGLE

No.41104479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well lads, I gotta say, I'm having the time of my life right now, it's absolute pandemonium on almost every Pokémon-related social media platform I'm on including you guys. There's a goddamn review embargo with three days till delivery, and the ROMs have dropped ahead of the game. I was expecting a boring, competent product but hoo boy I did not expect this level of drivel. Shills and chills, buyfags and cryfags, are you not entertained? Come Friday the game will drop and you know despite how much shilling the journos do, the game is going to get metacritic bombed. They did it with Death's Stranding, they'll do it with SwSh.

Post your hopes and fear for the Pokémon franchise here, fags. Enemy or friend let's bare our souls. I'll be honest, I want it to fail because I love Pokémon so much that I don't think these design decisions are healthy for the core gameplay experience. Is it selfish? Probably. But it isn't selfish if the majority share this opinion I hold of the Pokémon games. I can't wait. I can't wait to see who gets btfo'd ultimately. I'm all strapped in for the ride!