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No.41104519 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Even if they listen to the complaints, even if SwSh bomb, even if they swear the next games will go back to the good ol' tried-and-true formula... how exactly are they going to backtrack from the "BIGGER, FLASHIER, HYPER" kid-appeal that 3D, Megas, Z-moves and now Dynamax have introduced into the series? Older fans aren't exactly in love with these mechanics, but kids, the target audience, loooooooooooves this stuff. I'm afraid the next games will be forced to introduce something even more retarded than Dynamax that will inevitably hurt the rest of the game, from graphics and animations to actual content. I'm afraid the series is gone too far to actually step back and we'll have to accept that the "flashy factor" has the priority over actual quality now because that's what kids care about and they can't spot the flaws anyways.